Hello, I’m Brandon.

If the human is a question mark, design is the way that question is engaged.

From Are We Human? Notes on an Archaeology of Design by Beatriz Colomina and Mark Wigley

I'm a data-driven designer, educator and lifelong learner based in D.C. I'm fascinated by the ways we can apply technology to solve complex problems and I lead teams that build things people love to use.


What's it like to work with me?

View this guide to understand how I work, what I value, and how to build trust with me.
Download User Guide (PDF)



My progression from the early days of the web to this "golden age" of design has given me the experience to lead dynamic and multidisciplinary teams through complex challenges.

Contact Me


Lead teams to do great work. Blend and balance user needs with business requirements. Create a diverse and inclusive workplace. Advocate and agitate for innovation. Champion work-life balance. Grow the prestige and respect of the role of design to effect meaningful change.

Current role

Looking after the talented people that comprise the UX team at Taoti Creative, enabling them to unite their skillsets and act on insights that lead to innovative and effective design that moves the needle and delivers value to our clients.



Ready to guide teams and influence individuals to face and embrace the challenges of constant change

Trust your team and earn their trust in return. Easier said than done. It requires a commitment to respecting and understanding–in a word, empathy. Most people are already motivated by an innate desire to come together and do great work. I am people-centred and it's my responsibility to amplify the ideas and output of my team, creating the long-term conditions for us all to achieve our common goal.



Engaged at the surface level to build strong bonds and inspire the next generation of young designers

Activating and retaining talented people carries an obligation to work with them on a long-term project of personal growth. Open communication and collaboration are essential to building trust that promotes not only individual development but also increases the performance of the entire team. Shifting business imperatives and career progression can create the need for a sense of direction. As a mentor, I make it a top priority to find time and make space to connect with colleagues, identify where they need to go and help guide them to their next milestone.



Committed to practices that drive sustainable business, unlock collaborative potential and foster cohesive culture

As we work towards the necessary and critical near term goals that define business cycles, we also need to plan, act and build with a longer vision. Doing the work of continual improvement, on ourselves as well as on our outcomes, ensures that we're creating a culture that balances the needs of individuals with the complex behaviours of teams. Establishing and reinforcing an inclusive, collaborative work environment leads to individual investment and a sense of ownership at all levels that benefits an entire organization.


Overseeing and expanding a dynamic, efficient, and innovative UX team dedicated to delivering exceptional value to clients.

Taoti Creative

Director of User Experience (UX) at Taoti Creative Washington, D.C. 2023 – Present


  • Leading and adapting the user-centered design process that drives web, social, experiential, and tech projects for the entire agency.
  • Hiring and retaining talent that produces best-in-class work and ensures exceptional client experience.
  • Driving business growth by winning new clients and expanding agency capabilities through innovative service offerings and efficient productization of existing services.
  • Developing AI/ML-assisted design philosophy, processes, and tools, and driving adoption across the agency.

Project Successes:

  • Led discovery and UX design of DC.Gov in collaboration with DC's Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO), emphasizing services, neighborhood localization, and persistent measurement, resulting in a $1.2M contract extension to build in Drupal 10.
  • Led discovery and UX design for DARPA.Mil, delivering a simplified content strategy, improved navigation for faster information discovery, and more effective communication of office functions, program capabilities, and newly available opportunities.
  • Managed dual responsibilities as Product Manager and Designer, leading a mobile-centric redesign of WSSC Water's online Customer Service strategy, including a reorganized sitemap around common problems, an emphasis on self-service resources, and social-friendly step-by-step guide pages to help customers quickly and definitively solve problems on their own.
  • Simultaneously led discovery and UX design for two major transportation associations, International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association (IBTTA) and American Public Transportation Association (APTA), resulting in cross-pollination and insight sharing that produced distinct and innovative strategies for both projects.

Key Contributions / Highlights:

  • Led AI integration by positioning Taoti as an AI co-creation thought leader at GovCon 2023, promoting ethical AI tool adoption, and improving wireframe quality with client-aligned content, significantly enhancing early-stage deliverables and client satisfaction.
  • Developed detailed and accurate estimates in collaboration with the Business Development team, increasing the agency's average project win from $50K to $150K within one year, unlocking higher-paid project tiers and driving profitability.
  • Single-handedly led the UX department through a period of high turnover, keeping projects on track, meeting milestones, and resolving internal and client challenges to ensure continuity with no disruption.
  • Minimized general overhead by efficiently managing tasks, recording the lowest overhead on the creative team while contributing the most hours to internal investment projects.
  • Redesigned and streamlined research, audit, and testing deliverables, achieving notable reductions in Discovery phase costs.
  • Set high benchmarks for quality through hands-on reviews and QA, resolving performance issues to ensure project excellence.
  • Drove efforts to re-engage inactive active clients, resulting in organic account growth, new projects, and fully booked roadmaps of impactful work for more than 10 long term clients.
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Founded and led the Global Product and Creative teams to discover and design innovative services, products and channels that help travelers find the good out there


Associate Director of Product Design at Tripadvisor Singapore 2020 – 2023

  • Led design efforts for global CRM and developing new products in APAC.
  • Founded the Global Product Innovation Team in Singapore and built capacity to service multiple core product and new business challenges simultaneously. 
  • Delivered global customer insights and leading teams that design, build and ship products in developing markets.
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Led and grew the APAC UX team through a challenging and demanding growth period


User Experience Lead at Huge Brooklyn, NY and Singapore 2013 – 2020

  • Relocated to found the Singapore office and lead Huge's user-centered approach to design in APAC.
  • Collaborated across timezones with clients, project teams, freelancers and regional vendors to conduct ethnographic research, create high-fidelity prototypes, and facilitate co-design workshops.
  • Evangelized for design education, office culture building and mentoring.
  • Took leadership of experience design responsibilities for multiple client relationships and new business efforts in the Brooklyn office.
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VP of Creative Design

Horangi Cyber Security

Horangi Cyber Security in Singapore 2016 – 2018

  • Led the user-centered product design team from foundation through two rounds of funding.
  • Designed and managed the global company identity, brand collateral and visual marketing.
  • Hired and mentored the first generation of designers and set the standard for design operations.
  • Created the initial product MVP and led regional co-design workshops and research efforts in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia to inform the creation of Horangi’s Warden platform.
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Director of Experience Design

Weber Shandwick

Weber Shandwick & Powell Tate in Washington, D.C. 2012 – 2013

  • Led the newly formed digital team as a user-centered researcher, interaction designer and technology strategist.
  • Took leadership to define the role as a mix of creative direction, thought leadership, narrative framing, content marketing and technical advising.
  • Managed teams of freelance designers and engineers to produce campaign creative materials and interactive websites.
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User Experience Instructor

General Assembly

General Assembly in Singapore 2015 – 2022

  • Authored and facilitated full-day bootcamp workshops focused on the user-centered design process, research methods and design for wearables and augmented reality.
  • Hosted events that allowed students to network and learn alongside working professionals.
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UX Designer & Engineer

Free Range Studios

Free Range Studios in Washington, D.C. 2007 – 2012

  • Designed and developed user-centered tools, platforms and websites.
  • Created identity and communications collateral for progressive brands and nonprofits.
  • Took leadership to define the User Experience role and standards for development and hiring.
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Web & Interactive Designer


Hirshorn Zuckerman Design Group in Washington, D.C. 2005 – 2007

  • Concepted and designed richly interactive web sites and produced multimedia and animation.
  • Advised the marketing team on creative and technology direction for projects in the real estate, entertainment, sports and lifestyle sectors.
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Web & Creative Designer


WebFirst in Washington, D.C. 2004 - 2005

  • Designed mission critical applications and collaboration software for govt and non-profit clients.
  • Led the creation of company identity and marketing materials
  • Developed training materials to transition clients to the use of content management systems.
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Designing for humans

Designing for humans

More than a decade of solid user-centered research, testing and interaction design.

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Teaching at GA

Teaching at GA

Curriculum author of popular and relevant monthly Bootcamp courses for General Assembly.

Courses offered at GA
Making & Critiquing

Making & Critiquing

Staying sharp with side projects and speaking at conferences such as SXSW and WebVisions.

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Be Valued. Be Valuable.

An easy enough concept but one that causes critical reflection and inspires new energy upon each reconsideration. To be valued, we must trust yet be vigilant of those we surround ourselves with and work for. To be valuable, we have to accept that those same people want and need things from us and that we are obligated to do our best in service to them.

The curious dance we do within those reciprocal roles very much defines us as human beings. To that end, I've dedicated my attention and work efforts to detecting and designing solutions to real human concerns, promoting user-centric technology and fostering conditions that contribute to a more inclusive future.

I've made a habit of collecting and curating things that inspire me, expand my horizons and help me make sense of the world. You can find some of these things on Pinterest, Pocket and Medium.


Creative Directions book by Jason Sperling

Finished "Creative Directions" by @ThatSperling this week and thought maybe I'd share some of my favourite moments. This book is chock full of insights, first-hand knowledge, anecdotes and perspectives from and for creative working people.

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Documenting life and keeping and eye open for the unexpected and balanced beauty of sacred geometry

...and I’ve been keeping up a pretty awesome Favorites playlist. Enjoy!

Listen on Spotify

I’m currently leading the User Experience team at Taoti in Washington, D.C.

As Director of UX Design I'm looking after (and growing) an innovative, lean and effective team that delivers value to our clients. Get in touch with me to discuss speaking engagements and other professional opportunities.

My full work history is available on LinkedIn at btiny.link/linkedin

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